Bryony Kimmings is pretty cool.
I think that has been covered by most mainstream press. She is a performance artist known for her honesty, political and social consciousness, her goofiness and her seeming unending need to have a great time, make noise and make enjoyable, accessible art. You can find out about her here - www.bryonykimmings.com - and she is really bright and cutting on Twitter and her blog. Give her a follow.
She's currently running a programme, The Boys Project', and the stated aim is that 'The army and artist will embark on a viral media, mainstream music and public art disturbance campaign over a 6 month period that will directly challenge and change the ways young working class men are stereotyped, abused and misinterpreted by the government and mainstream media in the UK.'
This sounds like great work. Like the projects we set up it knows what it wants to achieve, it knows how it wants to do it and it is not afraid to ruffle feathers and try something new which may not necessarily go according to planned. But will succeed. We cannot wait to see what exactly a disturbance campaign is - we kind of want one.